PREFURAN stands alone as a safe, effective and broad spectrum prophylaxis and therapy for diseases of fishes and other aquatic animals.
PREFURAN is a highly strategic treatment because it is rapidly absorbed, metabolized and excreted from aquatic animals. When administered as indicated,PREFURAN leaves no detectable tissue residues after bathing in fresh water for several hours.


PREFURAN is a 10% extruded compression of nifurpirinol in a carbohydrate base.

Other nomenclatures including: Furpirinol, Furpyrinol, P-7138 and Furanace.

The empirical formula is C12H10N2O4

The molecular weight is 246.22 a.m.u.

The melting point is 170-171oC

The color is Pale Yellow

Aqueous solubility at 25 degrees C (100% active basis) is 10.3 ppm


PREFURAN brand name nifurpirinol 10% has been shown to undergo rapid absorption across the gill space in finned fishes, shellfish and eels. Significantly, the drug is rapidly distributed to the organism’s tissues and achieves therapeutic levels within minutes after bathing has commenced.PREFURAN is rapidly excreted from treated animals leaving no detectable residues within several hours after introduction to fresh water.The antibacterial action of PREFURAN is believed to be related to its ability to inhibit the synthesis of DNA within bacterial cells. This Mechanism is common among the Nitrifuran family of drugs. The ability of PREFURAN to kill fungi and protozoan parasites such as Saprolegnia adn ichthyopthirius may be related, but has been exclusively established.PREFURAN is a highly strategic treatment because it is rapidly absorbed, metabolized and excreted from aquatic animals. When administered as indicated,PREFURAN leaves no detectable tissue residues after bathing in fresh water for several hours.

SPECIES: Marine and freshwater fishes, shellfish, eels, etc.
DISEASES: Bacterial infections of Aeromonas (Hydrophila, Salmonicida, etc.)
Bacterial infections of Vibrio Anguillarum (Vibriosis)
Bacterial infections of Chondrococcus/Flexobacter Columnaris
Fungal infections of Saprolegnia
Parasitic infections of Ichthyopthirius Multifillis – “Ich” or white spot.
For general prophylaxis of surface abrasions, wounds and lesions.


Before prophylaxis or treatment is undertaken it is important to recall that the efficiency of a given procedure will vary among species. Additionally, differences in water parameters including temperature, dissolved oxygen, ammonia level, Ph hardness, as well as other will affect treatment. Therefore, IT IS IMPORTANT TO MAKE THE TREATMENT ENVIRONMENT AS SIMILAR AS POSSIBLE TO THE HABITAT. Observe the following rules:

Temperature of treatment bath should be similar to habitat.

Aerate treatment solutions to maintain a favourable dissolved oxygen level.

Test several fish before doing large groups.

Observe the dosage outlined below.

If edible fish are to be treated, a minimum 5 day withdrawal before slaughter is suggested.

The following dose regimens are suggested for PREFURAN

TREATMENT REGIMEN I – 3 to 5 day bath at 0.05 to 0.1 ppm of prefuran. Use the following table to calculate grams of PREFURAN per liters or gallons of water.

Water Volume (Litres) Approximate Gallons Grams of Prefuran

100L25 gal – .05 to .10 grams
20050 – .10 to .20
400100 – .20 to .40
600 150 – .30 to .60
800 200 – .40 to .80
1000 250 – .50 to 1.0

TREATMENT REGIMEN II – 15 to 30 minutes bath at 1.0 to 2.0 ppm of Prefuran. Use the following table to calculate grams of PREFURAN per litre or gal of water.

Water Volume (Litres) Approximate Gallons Grams of Prefuran

100L25 gal – 1.0 to 2.0 grams
20050 – 2.0 to 4.0
400100 – 4.0 to 8.0
600 150 – 6.0 to 12.0
800 200 – 8.0 to 16.0
1000 250 – 10.0 to 20.0


PREFURAN is available in 100 gram amber glass bottles.


PREFURAN should be stored at room temperature or below. Avoid contact of treatment with solutions with sunlight as the product is photo chemically reactive.